"Shocking each other back to life..."

I'm sitting at home in the dark and I feel lost. This isn't what I intend for my blog to become. Sporadic posts some relating to fashion and others not but I feel like I don't have anywhere else to turn to. I hate it when I have these moments of self doubt. I feel like I'll never make it in anything that I do. Like I don't have a true calling in my life and I'll end up dying alone and with a job that has never made me happy regardless of the amount of money that I make.
I don't want to become a slave to the grind (excuse the hackneyed expression) but in times like these it seems like I don't have any other choice. I don't know what to do now or ever but in a sense that's what life is supposed to be about. The thing about that is, I like to know what I'm supposed to do and what's going to happen. Life is a game that I'll never will but I can always try to succeed and I think that's what it's supposed to be about. 
You're not supposed to win at life,  no one is. But as long as you tried you've made your life worth living whether it be commemorated with a festival, a holiday, or a plaque, as long as you tried and tried and were happy in the process, that's what life is supposed to be about. There's no point in living life if you're not going to try and have fun in it. Do what makes you happy and screw everything else. That's what I try to live like everyday but I can never get it right. I'm always a jump to late or a word too late. 
I'm trying though. I'm trying with all my might. I don't want to feel like this anymore. Because I can succeed, and I will succeed, I believe that I can. I won't be another person waiting to die in their sleep. I want to face the world with hands out open. Willing to receive anything and everything that it's willing to give me whether it be good or bad. I don't care about whatever is holding me down anymore. I will be happy and nobody can take that from me. I will be healthy. I will be careful. I will be carefree. I will feel every emotion that I can possibly feel and I'll be okay with that. I'm going to be okay and so are you. 
We're going to make it. I promise you that. 

"Wooden Heart" - Listener

This is the song that changed my view on so many different things and I hope that it does the same for you. 


Tuesday, December 20, 2011 1 Comment

Speak to me only with your eyes.

This song is pretty much perfect. Well anything by Led Zeppelin is perfect. I've been having all of these hippie/gypsy kind of vibes. I definitely need to invest in a white lace dress. Too bad they're all crazy expensive! If anyone has a link to a cheap one please be a doll and let me know. Looking at the Free People catalogs doesn't help one bit either. Hope you're having a ball. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011 1 Comment

Treat Me Like Your Mother

As always I'm procrastinating on doing my homework. Instead of doing my assigned work I have resorted to looking for music on hypem. Not what the good teenager should do. But then again who said that I was the good teenager? How many good teenagers are left? I don't think that many.
Well regardless I think I'm going to leave this post chock full of what I find inspiration. Enjoy!

(I'm pretty sure that I got all of the pictures of of Tumblr)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011 Leave a comment

What is this? I don't know?

So, as I'm writing this I should really be doing my English homework, but I find this just a bit more interesting than that. As of now, this is one of those "fashion blogs". What it will turn into I really don't know. If you find this interesting I hope that you'll stick around with me and find out what this is going to be. This sounds somewhat repetitive already so I think that is where I should stop. Oh, by the way my name's Jasmine in case it mattered to anyone. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Sunday, September 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Saturday Inspiration 9/24

(source: The Style Rookie) 

(source: All tumblr. If not please tell me.)

Saturday, September 24, 2011 Leave a comment

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